Product Highlights

Our wide range of product offerings are numerous to support any type of networking. Our exhaustive products and manufacturers we utilize will enhance any environment. A summary of what we offer is listed below of major components and equipment we can bring to your business.

  • Networking: We use Sophos, Cisco, Linksys, Adtran and many others to produce top performing solutions.
  • Phone Systems: We offer the latest VoIP telephony products including our own Pro-Phone solution.
  • Servers: We use Dell, HP and our own brand to meet the goals of our customers.
  • Desktops: We use Dell, HP and our own brand to meet the goals of our customers. By offering many possible solutions, it allows us to provide an independent solution that works best for your organization not for the manufacturer. Our top rated staff will service and maintain the solution assuring your system continues to work for your environment.

We also provide cabling solutions that use the best industry standards to guarantee that you are getting the best in connectivity for your voice and data applications.